Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Photo of the Day: Company 720, Baudette, Minnesota, 1933

Mess Line of the boys of Company 720, Baudette, Minnesota, 1933, collection of the Minnesota Historical Society. High resolution version available from MHS. By all means click through to the full version and feast your eyes on the civilian belts, undershirts, and hats and the mobilization-era uniform parts. Don't miss the fascinating CCC sweatshirt on the boy center-right foreground--likely a camp-specific custom design silkscreened onto a stock oatmeal-colored Champion or similar sweatshirt by a local sports team outfitter.

Full image.

Detail of custom sweatshirt. Appears to have the letters CCC, top center, in a design featuring an American eagle, trees as flanking columns supporting the CCC letters, and other hard-to-decipher iconography.

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